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How to prevent Gall Bladder problems?

What is a Gall Bladder?

The gallbladder is a 4-inch, pear-shaped organ. It’s positioned under your liver in the upper right section of your abdomen. The gallbladder stores bile, a combination of fluids, fat, and cholesterol. Bile helps break down fat from food in your intestine.

The gallbladder delivers bile into the small intestine. This allows fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients to be more easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

What are some of the problems/diseases that may affect the Gall Bladder?

Inflammation, gall stones, common bile duct stones, gall bladder disease without stones, common bile duct infection, abscess of the gallbladder, gallstones ileus, perforated gallbladder, gallbladder polyps, porcelain gallbladders and gallbladder cancer.

Although there are treatments and the necessary procedure in treating the problems, it is always better to prevent them at an early stage. Start by watching your diet and keeping a healthy weight might help you prevent gallstones from forming and avoid some discomfort if you do develop gallstones.

1) Diet and Gallstone Risk

A number of risk factors contribute to the formation of gallstones, including a family history of gallstones and gender. Women are twice as likely as men to develop them. Body weight is also a factor; the risk of gallstones is higher in people who are overweight and obese.

Diets that are high in fat and cholesterol and low in fiber appear to play a role.

If you're overweight, try to lose the extra weight; but do it gradually. There is a link between quick weight loss and gallstone formation. Crash or "yo-yo" diets can cause the liver to release more cholesterol into the bile, disrupting the normal balance of cholesterol and bile salts. That extra cholesterol can form into crystals, leading to gallstones.

2) Healthy Food for the Gallbladder

Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (whole-wheat bread, brown rice, oats, bran cereal) Lean meat, poultry, fish and low-fat dairy products

3) Certain foods have been studied for their potential to prevent gallbladder problems or reduce symptoms. For example, some research has indicated that drinking caffeinated coffee lowers the risk of gallstones in both men and women. Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol has also been linked to a reduced incidence of gallstones.

4) Foods to Avoid With Gallbladder Problems

Researchers say many gallbladder symptoms stem from the modern Western diet, which is high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. Changing your diet won't get rid of gallstones that are already there, but eating a healthy, balanced variety of nutrients and limiting the amount of saturated fats and cholesterol-heavy foods you eat may help ease your symptoms. Try to avoid or limit these high-fat foods in your diet: Fried foods, highly processed foods (doughnuts, pie, cookies), whole-milk dairy products (cheese, ice cream, butter), fatty red meat

Also steer clear of very low-calorie diets. If you are overweight, aim for a gradual weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week by sticking to a healthy, well-balanced diet and getting regular exercise. Always diet under your doctor's supervision.

Think you have may have a Gallbladder Problem? Better to be safe than sorry.

Click here to write to us or call us to arrange for a consultation.

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