Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, #06-43, 38 Irrawady Road, Singapore 329563
What is Robotic Surgery?
Robotic surgery is another minimally invasive option for complex surgery within the abdomen. The Da Vinci Surgical System "robot" enables surgeons to remove difficult-to-reach tumours in the abdomen with increased precision, vision, dexterity and control. Because the Da Vinci System requires only a few small "band-aid" incisions, and offers greater vision, precision and control for the surgeon, cancer patients can often recover sooner, move on to additional treatments if needed, and get back to daily activities quicker.
What is the Da Vinci® Surgical System?
The Da Vinci® Surgical System offers a minimally invasive alternative to both open surgery and laparoscopy. Because it requires only a few tiny incisions and offers greater vision, precision and control for the surgeon, patients often can recover sooner, move on to additional treatments if needed and get back to daily life more quickly.
Potential benefits of the Da Vinci system for patients include:
Reduced pain
Lower risk of infection or complications
Less blood loss (fewer transfusions)
Shorter hospital stays
Less scarring
Faster return to normal activities (e.g., sexual function, urinary continence)
How it works
In traditional minimally invasive surgery, the surgeon operates while standing, using hand-held instruments that cannot bend or rotate. The surgeon must look up and away to a nearby standard 2D video monitor to see an image of the target anatomy.
With the Da Vinci System’s ergonomic design, the surgeon is able to operate from a comfortable, seated position at a console, with eyes and hands in line with the instruments, and a magnified, high-definition 3D view of the target anatomy. This enables the surgeon to do longer and more time consuming surgeries with ease compared to traditional laparoscopic surgery. With this innovative technology, surgeons gain more vision, precision and control while making smaller, less invasive incisions. The chances of conversion from robotic surgery to open surgery is less in comparison with laparoscopic surgery to open surgery
Seated comfortably at an ergonomically-designed console, the surgeon first makes a few tiny incisions to introduce miniaturized instruments and a high-definition camera inside the patient. The camera allows the surgeon to view a highly magnified, high-resolution 3D image of the surgical site.
With eyes and hands in line with the instruments, the surgeon uses controls below the viewer to move the instrument arms and camera. The system then translates, in real time, the surgeon’s hand, wrist and finger movements into precise movements of the instruments inside the patient.
Throughout the procedure, the surgeon controls every surgical manoeuvre. The System cannot be programmed or act in any way without the surgeon’s input. Thus maintains the safety of traditional laparoscopic surgery and perhaps more because of the 3D vision and precision of work.
Applications of Da Vinci Robotic Surgery at the SILS Centre
Gall bladder surgery (Robotic cholecystectomy for gall stones)
Robotic CBD exploration for CBD stones
Robotic Hepaticojejunostomy for bile duct strictures
Robotic distal pancreatectomy
Robotic Pseudocystogastrostomy
Robotic Bowel Surgery
Robotic Hernia Repair